Whitepapers written by Ned Hayes are available for client purchase and for re-use in analyst, corporate and personal reference environments. Most whitepapers produced by Ned Hayes are not published in the press, and are for client use only (permissions granted for re-publication).
IOT Sensors Review: From Embedded to Pervasive
(2020 Whitepaper – cleared for public access)
Ethics in AI: Specific Actions for Customer Care Scenarios
(2020 Whitepaper — Client Access Only)
Covid-19 and Identity: Rating Risk Factors – A Critical Review
(2020 Whitepaper — Client Access Only)
Biometrics and Identity Proofing in IOT Low-Compute Settings
(2020 Whitepaper — Client Access Only)
Emerging Standards in Identity:
Decentralized Security, Ledgers & Zero-Trust
(2020 Whitepaper — Client Access Only)